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Strengthen our Faith

But, if our vision is great
Believe God, is Almighty
Omnipotent, omniscient
Then our faith too, is mighty.

Set us on Fire

To be fuel, for Your fire
May this light, burn bright
As a beacon of hope
So lost souls, find sight.

Send The Fire

Come fill, and anoint us
Rooted, grounded in love
Comprehending the greatness
Of Jesus love, from above.

Send The Fire, LORD

LORD God, send the fire
Upon us we pray
Hourly, and daily
Purify, have Your way.

Seek But the Lord

Seek but the Lord
Not for what He can do
But simply enjoy Him
Alone, He and you.

Revive Your Work

Do send an awakening
We yearn Your arrival
Lost souls born anew
Send renewal, revival.

Resting or Wrestling?

Are you resting in Jesus
Or wrestling with stress
Wondering how to let go
And worry, far less?

Remember to Pray

As His child crying “Abba”
Reach out through the day
For your needs, and others
Remember always, to pray.