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Futility or Fullness?

And put on the new man
Created according to God
In true righteousness and holiness
In His fullness, now daily trod.

Counting our Blessings

So many riches, in Christ
We are rich, beyond measure
A weight of glory, eternal
In Christ Jesus, our treasure.

What Bugs You?

Yes, those bugs and frustrations
God allows, each our way
Are to get our attention
Cause us turn, and obey.

‘Self’…My Old Nature

So now repentant, trusting Him
Born anew, from above
We are now, His own possession
Redeemed, by Jesus’ love.

Daily Seek Revival

May Your Spirit revive me
Your life lived in me
That I bring You much glory
That many others, see Thee.

A Circumcised Heart

A new creature in Christ
The old, has passed away
A circumcision, without hands
Jesus opened, a new way.

Be Dead to Sin

Our repentance, often shallow
More remorse, and regret
Not turning and fleeing
From pet sins, that beset.

Be Steadfast

So do pray, that our hearts
Remain steadfast, unmoved
Walk by faith, not feelings
In Christ, wholly approved.