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So choose not entertainment
To merely pass time
Instead seek the LORD
And know blessings sublime.

Daily Repent

Do repent of all evil
Ungodly behavior
Daily dying to self
To abide in the Savior.

Daily Abide

Yes, daily I come
To abide in You, Lord
To worship and obey
All You have in store.

Cultivate Change

And do cultivate joy
Your heart upward raised
Instead of your grumbling
Thanksgiving and praise.

Count All Else as Loss

So, allow not your flesh
This world, nor the devil
To steal, kill, destroy
You are His chosen vessel.

Come Holy Spirit

I yearn for Your presence
So weary of failure
Need blessings, O God
Shine upon me, with favor.

Blessed or Barren?

Are you blessed in your life
Or still staying barren
So long to bear fruit
But it just doesn’t happen.

Being Tested in the Dark

May we learn, to thank God
Worship Him, despite all
Fierce adversity, or blessings
Before God, humbly fall.

Being a Living Sacrifice

Yes, only when emptied
And dead to our self
The Holy Spirit, can fill us
Bring new life, and breath.

Be Prepared

For all trusting Him wholly
Find Him, wholly true
While those trusting self
Remain anxious, feel blue.