Are You Needing to Change?
Daily follow and abide
Lift to Him, every thought
As I feed on Your Word
Obey all I am taught.
God’s Fountain, or Our Cisterns?
With other cisterns, we still thirst But not the waters, Jesus gives
Becomes a fountain, within us
Springing up, forever lives.
Rivers of Living Waters
And God warns by deserting
We become wayward people
As we drink, from broken cisterns
We commit two great evils.
Lessons from Iran
With a focus on obeying
God’s truths, they go share
More multiplying disciples
Prayerfully go, everywhere.
A Key to Suffering
For our focus is body
But God speaks to the soul
Our faith, His redemption
These make a man whole.
Is Your Heart Circumcised?
Be repentant, not rebellious
Obedient, His Spirit-filled
Submitted, not stubborn
Seek God, not self-willed.
Trials- a Blessing or Curse?
For our Father, the vine-dresser
Is pruning, discarding
As branches, of His vine
For more fruit…keep abiding.
Tools God Uses
And so, despite facing testing
Know ‘tis but for a while
In the end, greater glory
So greet with joy, every trial.
The Fig Tree
Not our knowledge, our ‘leaves’
Our sin, we can’t cover
For God sees our hearts
Any sweet fruit, to discover?
The Blessings of Surrender (Becoming ‘Good Soil’)
Yes, receive of God’s blessing
First surrender each part
Not the best of our flesh
First, our will and our heart.