God’s Morality or Mine?
For each day, we must choose
God’s morality, or mine
Follow His right and wrong
May we abide, in His vine.
A Corporate Church for our Corporate World?
With God’s people, compromising
Many passive, pew sitting
So, God’s ‘Royal Priesthood’
His call, are not fulfilling.
Assessing Health of our Churches
Yes, we’ve preaching and teaching
But few were taught disciple making
May feed the poor and needy
But few churches, are reproducing.
Our Body, His Temple
So dear saint, seek purity
Flee immorality, lust
Let our body, God’s Temple
Be sanctified, in His trust.
What Bugs You?
Yes, those bugs and frustrations
God allows, each our way
Are to get our attention
Cause us turn, and obey.
Full of Self, or God’s Glory?
We have one life on earth
How will it be spent
Self-effort, self- sufficient
Or lived, as God meant?
‘Self’…My Old Nature
So now repentant, trusting Him
Born anew, from above
We are now, His own possession
Redeemed, by Jesus’ love.
A Circumcised Heart
A new creature in Christ
The old, has passed away
A circumcision, without hands
Jesus opened, a new way.
So Near…So Far (The Inner…or Outer)
The soldiers were gambling
For Jesus’ garments to win
Concerned with the outer
So blind to their sin.
Be Dead to Sin
Our repentance, often shallow
More remorse, and regret
Not turning and fleeing
From pet sins, that beset.