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Keep Abiding

As a branch in God’s vine
We are called to abide
Not wander away
Lest we’re cast aside.


So, am focused no longer
On my feelings and flaws
But His grace, for each need
Trust Him, to open doors.

Holy Spirit Possession

Am longing, Your Spirit
May take full control
Wholly dwelling and filling
Am yielding, my whole.

Holy Spirit, Come Fill

So sinful, so selfish
I surrender my all
Holy Spirit, come fill
May You Lord, have all.

Heaven’s My Home

Since heaven’s my home
Am here, passing through
So, am anxious for naught
For my God’s ever true.

He is No Fool

Know, he is no fool
Who freely gives up
What he cannot save
To see God, fill his cup.

Freedom Within

Set free from my bondage
To self, and my sin
To Satan and demons
Now freedom, within.


Know Christ is our Rock
Our beginning and end
Our faith wholly rests
On the Savior, God sent.

Do You Respond This Way?

But instead, love your enemies
Do good, should they hate you
Bless them, that curse you
Pray for those, who despise you.