Setting Our Mind
Yes, am setting my mind
Asking for God’s grace
Not stuck in life’s mire
Seek His thoughts, to replace.
Start Dying, Begin Living
Cry out for forgiveness
Accept Jesus’ gift
Exchange our rebellion
His death, bridged the rift.
Our Soul
Then live, as God designed
For God’s glory and purpose
Feeding on the Bread of Life
Our soul, in His service.
Our Daily Walk
Incline our hearts
Walk all His ways
Do all God says
All of our days.
A Hunger for God, and for Souls
So, daily hunger for God
For hungry souls, that yearn
To follow Jesus, and multiply
A fruitful harvest, in return.
Our Spirit, Soul and Body
With now our body, His Temple
Glorify God, in all He gives
Our soul, belongs to God
By His Spirit, our spirit lives.
Full of Self, or God’s Glory?
We have one life on earth
How will it be spent
Self-effort, self- sufficient
Or lived, as God meant?
Daily Seek Revival
May Your Spirit revive me
Your life lived in me
That I bring You much glory
That many others, see Thee.
Be Dead to Sin
Our repentance, often shallow
More remorse, and regret
Not turning and fleeing
From pet sins, that beset.
Are You Needing to Change?
Daily follow and abide
Lift to Him, every thought
As I feed on Your Word
Obey all I am taught.