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Assessing our Churches

Our culture’s sadly, so secular
Church attendance, fast falling
Need God’s help, to resolve this
Are we on our knees, calling?


Know Christ is our Rock
Our beginning and end
Our faith wholly rests
On the Savior, God sent.

Facing the Furnace

As Daniel, and friends
Faced a fierce, fiery furnace
Said “Our God, can deliver
And if not, we still serve Him”.

Do You Respond This Way?

But instead, love your enemies
Do good, should they hate you
Bless them, that curse you
Pray for those, who despise you.

Deny Self and Be Filled

Jesus told us, deny self
And take up our cross
Come follow after Him
Count all else as loss.

Deny Self

You must give up all ‘rights’
Your old life, a ‘foreclosure’
Since redeemed, by Christ Jesus
You are His, a new owner.

Daily Repent

Do repent of all evil
Ungodly behavior
Daily dying to self
To abide in the Savior.

Daily Grace

Know grace, is given daily
For the need of the hour
So feed daily, on the Lord
On today’s grace, His power.