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Thanksgiving Day

Are you thankful this year
Recalling God’s kindness
His daily, unfailing love
Despite our flaws, and blindness?

So Blessed!

And beyond death, life eternal
Before His glory, we’ll be
Assured, forever with Jesus
O how blessed, are we!

Remember to Pray

As His child crying “Abba”
Reach out through the day
For your needs, and others
Remember always, to pray.

Quiet Time with God

Yes, pray for God’s Spirit
Come speak to your soul
Not rushing while reading
Lest from Him, time you stole.

Overcoming Attitudes

So, friend do drink deeply
Of His living waters, each day
That your mind-set, your attitude
Is to but love, and obey.

Our Blessed Hope

For in Him, resurrection
We arise from the dead
To an inheritance, incorruptible
That for us, waits ahead.

Faith not Works

But, by faith we’re forgiven
By faith we are saved
By faith, keep abiding
And by faith, will be raised.

More Faith in God

So, stop looking to people
To meet all you’re needing
Since God will supply
More praying, and believing!

Daily Grace

Know grace, is given daily
For the need of the hour
So feed daily, on the Lord
On today’s grace, His power.