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Freedom Within

Set free from my bondage
To self, and my sin
To Satan and demons
Now freedom, within.

Freedom from Sin

With my mind, serve God’s law
While my flesh, serves sin
But God’s Spirit, sets free
From sin and death, within.

From Bondage to Freedom

No longer, condemnation
For those in Christ Jesus
Who walk not, in the flesh
But let God’s Spirit, free us.

Forgiving Others

if we forgive others
For their trespasses against us
Our Father forgives us
Will cleanse us, thro’ Jesus.

Assessing our Churches

Our culture’s sadly, so secular
Church attendance, fast falling
Need God’s help, to resolve this
Are we on our knees, calling?

Fill My Cup

For this vessel is thirsty
I come open, and empty
O Lord, come and fill
From Your rivers of plenty.

Faith not Works

But, by faith we’re forgiven
By faith we are saved
By faith, keep abiding
And by faith, will be raised.

More Faith in God

So, stop looking to people
To meet all you’re needing
Since God will supply
More praying, and believing!