That Innermost Place
Do you seek to withdraw
To that innermost place?
There, we step aside
Meet the God of all grace.
So Blessed!
And beyond death, life eternal
Before His glory, we’ll be
Assured, forever with Jesus
O how blessed, are we!
Seek an ‘Impossible’ Faith
An ‘impossible’ faith
Grows from passion within
A great vision of God
And a battle to win.
Do Run From Her Door
God’s wisdom will keep us
From these evil ways
So, hear instruction
Trust God, and obey.
Remade in God’s Image
Yes, remade in His image
Now reflecting His goodness
The fruits of His Spirit
Stay filled, with His fullness.
Rejoice Always
So, rejoice always in God
For we’re bound, by His love
Let your heart overflow
Filled from heaven above.
Overcoming Weakness
For Jesus only, our Creator
Living in us, He can supply
His grace, ever sufficient
Simply trust Him, and abide.
Overcoming Attitudes
So, friend do drink deeply
Of His living waters, each day
That your mind-set, your attitude
Is to but love, and obey.
Increase Our Faith
As Jesus taught them, to focus
Upon God, and His greatness
‘Tis not, the size of our faith Know unforgiveness, constrains us.
So, am focused no longer
On my feelings and flaws
But His grace, for each need
Trust Him, to open doors.