Attitudes and Habits
So, choose forgiveness and love
For God’s truth, sets us free
From old attitudes, reactions
Call on Jesus, to Him flee.
So dear saint, do surrender
His Word and Spirit, alone obey
Not the world, the flesh, the devil
All on His altar, fully lay.
Our Battles are Won
For Jesus only, our Creator
Living in us, He can supply
His grace, ever sufficient
Simply trust Him, and abide.
Heart Cry
When my heart, is overwhelmed
Lead me, to the rock
That is higher than I
My shelter… You unlock.
Living Water
His living waters, purify
Bring us life, tho’ we are dead
No other waters, no other way
Alone our fountain, our living head.
Abiding in Christ
Not seeking elsewhere
Not self, nor those around
But wholly dependent
In Him, all is found.
Fruitful or Barren?
By this My Father is glorified
That you bear much fruit
So, you will be My disciples”
Let us be fruitful, as His shoot!
Prone To Wander, LORD I feel it
So, let us daily cry out
Submit our all, on His altar
All our love, and loyalty
Yield to Jesus, may we not falter.
Flesh or Spirit?
In Christ we are righteous
Through Him, overcome
By His Spirit, victorious
Our battles are won!
Leave No Leaven!
So like Israel, we too co-habit
Instead of purging, die to self
Compromising, we let our flesh
Pursue the carnal, and worldly wealth.