Out of Control?
Not by our own efforts
Our flesh, cannot conquer
We need Jesus’ power
Without Him, we falter.
And as a branch, in His vine
Jesus tells us, keep abiding
To bear fruit, of God’s Spirit
His ‘Self-control’, He is providing.
Walk in the Spirit or Flesh?
For if ignoring, or ignorant
Of God’s truth and reality
We’re poorly armed in the fight
Against temptation, so face calamity.
Overcome Works of the Flesh
We daily crucify our flesh
As we abide, in Christ Jesus
Resolve to live, but by God’s Word
Assured God’s Spirit, is ever with us!
Seeing Beyond
Are we seeing beyond
Life’s heartaches and pain
Great suffering, and sorrow
…Yet see God, bring gain?
No Complaining – Always Give Thanks
So do rejoice, evermore
And pray without ceasing
In everything, give thanks
This is God’s will, unceasing.
Our Anchor, Our Salvation
The One offering Himself
As our Passover Lamb
Atoned for our sin
Will we trust Him, or man?
Great Faith, God is Able
Fully trusting God’s promises
With obedience to His word
Being steadfastness in prayer
By circumstances, undeterred.
Victorious Suffering
Set our mind, on things above
Tho’ still suffering, not healed
Be not focused, on our feelings
Walk by faith, in our ordeal.
Chronic Suffering and Pain
So, while we may not be healed
Nor from suffering, delivered
But instead of dejection
We can rejoice, not be embittered.