Burdened, Bondage or Free?
Be willing, to die daily
See self-crucified
As a child of the King
In Christ, all supplied.
Sexual Immorality
As the High Priest, wore a plate
“Holiness to the LORD”, engraved
Let us daily, give God glory
Live in holiness, be not depraved.
Overcome Works of the Flesh
We daily crucify our flesh
As we abide, in Christ Jesus
Resolve to live, but by God’s Word
Assured God’s Spirit, is ever with us!
Our Personal Baggage
For parents aren’t perfect
They come with their baggage
May kids grow, self-examine
To avoid long-term damage.
Shame-Blame Cycle
But, if we’ve a low esteem
Always carrying, chronic shame
Subconsciously, ever struggling
Feeling guilt, so casting blame.
Shame, Disclaim, Blame
When failing, we do wrong
Try to bury, in shame
Then, blame on another
While lies excuses, we proclaim.
Church Leadership Ingredients
Look beyond, gifting and training
To know their heart, motivation
A vessel, wholly dedicated?
Or tainted needing, more consecration?
Our Anchor, Our Salvation
The One offering Himself
As our Passover Lamb
Atoned for our sin
Will we trust Him, or man?
Attitudes and Habits
So, choose forgiveness and love
For God’s truth, sets us free
From old attitudes, reactions
Call on Jesus, to Him flee.
So dear saint, do surrender
His Word and Spirit, alone obey
Not the world, the flesh, the devil
All on His altar, fully lay.