God Doesn’t Believe In Luck!
So, life is not random ‘luck’
God knows our will and ways
Sees our heart’s intent
God decides our lot, always.
Compromised or Consecrated?
Like Israel of old
We’re to purge our lives
Drive out, all our foes
Know God’s blessings, and thrive.
Leave No Leaven!
So like Israel, we too co-habit
Instead of purging, die to self
Compromising, we let our flesh
Pursue the carnal, and worldly wealth.
Only Three Years
So, He trained and role-modeled
Not spectators, but partakers
As He discipled His followers
To be faithful, disciple-makers.
Missing in Churches?…Making Disciple-Makers
While many churches, think revival
Are not equipping and training
How to go, make new disciples
That go forth, disciple-making.
Discipleship or Disciple-making?
Not just missionaries, overseas
Nor pastors, evangelists
We’re each called, to reproduce
Be disciple-makers, be a catalyst.
Spiritual Reproduction
So are our churches, today
Filled with saints, on fire?
Discipled, and out sharing
Making disciples, as required?
Our Soul Set Free
In Christ, free from sin’s guilt
And free from sin’s power
Let us walk in God’s love
Each step, and each hour.
Daily Hunger for God
We must hunger for God
Abide daily, in Jesus’ vine
Come dwell in His courts
We’re made dependent, by design.
Setting Our Mind
Yes, am setting my mind
Asking for God’s grace
Not stuck in life’s mire
Seek His thoughts, to replace.