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Prone To Wander

Yes, so strengthened in faith
That I pray, and not stray
Neither wander, nor slip
But only trust You, and obey.

Praying with Confidence

Since our God, is all able
Creator, of heavens and earth
Sent Jesus, bought our salvation
How we’re valued, of great worth.

Overcoming Weakness

For Jesus only, our Creator
Living in us, He can supply
His grace, ever sufficient
Simply trust Him, and abide.

Overcoming Attitudes

So, friend do drink deeply
Of His living waters, each day
That your mind-set, your attitude
Is to but love, and obey.

Our Garden

Our life is a garden
We tend, and we sow
Bright flowers, or weeds
We choose what will grow.

Our Faith

So, by faith offering God
What is pleasing to Him
Believe that He is
Rewards those seeking Him.

New Wineskins?

May our leaders, seek God’s wineskins
A fresh vison of Jesus’ call
A holy people, disciple-making
Going forth and reaching all.

Marvelous Faith

Jesus marveled, in wonder
To His disciples, revealing
The centurion’s great faith
For his servant’s healing.

LORD, Make Us Thy Fuel

So, renew and revive us
Restore us, we pray
Send the fire of Your Presence
Come down Lord, this day.