Keeping Kosher?
Then Rabbi Yeshua, our Messiah
Replied: “Do you not perceive
Whatever enters a man from outside
Cannot defile him”…be not deceived.
God Defines, not the Rabbis
With destruction, of the Temple
No more offerings, blood sacrifice
Instead of faith, in God’s salvation
Rabbis decided ‘works’, will suffice.
Rabbinical Writings or God’s Word?
With destruction, of the Temple
No more offerings, blood sacrifice
Instead of faith, in God’s salvation
Rabbis decided ‘works’, will suffice.
My Jewish Background-Tefillin (Phylacteries)
So while able, to wrap Tefillin Had my inner barrier, of sin
Understood, Messiah Yeshua
Forgives and purifies, within.
Jewish Persecution
Till today, Israel fights
Now back in her land
Freed from Hitler’s hatred
Instead, Hamas’ evil plans.
The Jewish Messiah Foretold
While the ‘Tanach’, Old Testament
Clearly details, Messiah’s picture
Most Pharisees, rejecting Jesus
The One fulfilling, God’s scripture.
An Observant Jew ?
Are your sins simply covered
Or taken away
Are you hoping good deeds
Will save on that Day?
A Complete Jew
Trusting, God’s Messiah
His Son, offered for our sin
To forgive us, make us righteous
Circumcise us within.
Rabbinical or Messianic Judaism?
“Therefore, you shall be perfect
Just as your Father in heaven”
Yeshua, the perfect Lamb of God
Messiah’s offering, for our transgression.
The Chabad
With no Temple, no blood offering
God’s Law and Prophets foretold
They deny Messiah, Yeshua
Who alone … for all atoned.