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The Jewish Messiah Foretold

While the ‘Tanach’, Old Testament
Clearly details, Messiah’s picture
Most Pharisees, rejecting Jesus
The One fulfilling, God’s scripture.

An Observant Jew ?

Are your sins simply covered
Or taken away
Are you hoping good deeds
Will save on that Day?

Leave No Leaven!

So like Israel, we too co-habit
Instead of purging, die to self
Compromising, we let our flesh
Pursue the carnal, and worldly wealth.

A Circumcised Heart

A new creature in Christ
The old, has passed away
A circumcision, without hands
Jesus opened, a new way.

Is Your Heart Circumcised?

Be repentant, not rebellious
Obedient, His Spirit-filled
Submitted, not stubborn
Seek God, not self-willed.

Profane Fire

So, study the Scriptures
Of men’s motives and methods
For what the LORD seeks
To be used, as His vessel.

Passover-First Fruits-Easter

On this ‘Feast of First Fruits’
A burnt and grain offering
Foreshadowing Messiah
And His people, following.