My People
Though God has chastised
They faced every threat
But His Covenant people
He does not forget.
My Jewish Background
Grew up with tradition
Lived under the Law
Rabbinical Judaism, Yiddish
Was the life that I saw.
Modern Israel
Scattered, through sin
The scriptures foretold
Now fulfilling prophesy
God’s Word of old.
Messianic Judaism
Reconciled thro’ His death
To God, in one body
Fulfilling God’s Law
A new covenant, to embody.
Israel’s Idolatry
So, pause and reflect
Does God fill your heart
Or have you hidden idols
That ensnare you, in part?
Israel’s Call to Repent
God laments for His people
Have turned from His ways
Are spurning their Maker
Have rebelled, disobey.
Holy Garments-Holy Lives?
Consecrated, sanctified
Drawing nigh, to God’s altar
Yet seems, we come flippant
Should our approach, alter?
Gold Lampstands
In the Tabernacle, then Temple
The LORD God, did instruct
That light shine within
A gold lampstand, construct.
God’s Special Treasure
O Hallelujah, thro’ Messiah
All our sins washed away
With Him died, and we rise
His special treasure, every day.
God’s Righteousness
While Gentiles sought not
God and His holiness
But now have attained
By faith, His righteousness.