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Yom Kippur-Day of Atonement

Despite our striving to be ‘good’
We fall short, are unrighteous
Messiah’s offering, atonement
By faith, we’re made righteous.

A Circumcised Heart

A new creature in Christ
The old, has passed away
A circumcision, without hands
Jesus opened, a new way.

Is Your Heart Circumcised?

Be repentant, not rebellious
Obedient, His Spirit-filled
Submitted, not stubborn
Seek God, not self-willed.

Talmud, Torah or a Tree?

For by faith, we’re made righteous
Yeshua, atoned for our sin
Took our curse, on a tree
To makes us holy, within.

The Holocaust

Over six million Jews
In Europe were slain
Sadistically murdered
Causing mayhem and pain.

Passover-First Fruits-Easter

On this ‘Feast of First Fruits’
A burnt and grain offering
Foreshadowing Messiah
And His people, following.


How God frees from bondage
All those, captive to sin
Jesus’ blood, our atonement
To cleanse of leaven, within.