So, Listen!
So, listen with faith
Trusting God cannot fail
For in wisdom and love
He will always prevail.
Yom Kippur-Day of Atonement
Despite our striving to be ‘good’
We fall short, are unrighteous
Messiah’s offering, atonement
By faith, we’re made righteous.
A Complete Jew
Trusting, God’s Messiah
His Son, offered for our sin
To forgive us, make us righteous
Circumcise us within.
Rabbinical or Messianic Judaism?
“Therefore, you shall be perfect
Just as your Father in heaven”
Yeshua, the perfect Lamb of God
Messiah’s offering, for our transgression.
A Circumcised Heart
A new creature in Christ
The old, has passed away
A circumcision, without hands
Jesus opened, a new way.
The Chabad
With no Temple, no blood offering
God’s Law and Prophets foretold
They deny Messiah, Yeshua
Who alone … for all atoned.
Be so blessed, if obeying
But so cursed, if rebelling
Yes, God warned His people
Lest His Word, start betraying.
Yom HaShoah- Holocaust Memorial Day
Yet the lives of those lost
Was not in vain
With the rebirth of Israel
God’s will, He’ll attain.
Is Your Heart Circumcised?
Be repentant, not rebellious
Obedient, His Spirit-filled
Submitted, not stubborn
Seek God, not self-willed.
Rabbinical Judaism
And Rabbinical Judaism
Then raised itself higher
Above, the One prophesized
Denied Yeshua, God’s Messiah.