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Time to Start Loving

Too often, each day
It’s all about me
My feelings and thoughts
Too self-centered, I see.

Thy Will Be Done

So, surrender my rights
This day is not mine
Knowing all is from God
Not my will, but Thine.


And while God offers good
Temptation brings evil
Understanding our choice
Be His righteous people.

Rebelling or Reaping?

So, we likewise must repent
Of rebelling, and sleeping
We should rather, seek God
Not self-serving, but reaping.

Seek Life

As a soul, with a body
Ignore not your spirit
Jesus offers new life
Will you ask Him, come fill it?

Saying or Obeying?

And here, Jesus reminds
It’s not what we say
Our words can be empty
It is whether, we obey.

Parable of the Sower

Only those in good soil
Their hearts, noble and good
Obey, bear much fruit
With patience, withstood.

Learning to Wrestle

And who doesn’t strive
To achieve in our flesh
Instead, learn to wrestle
With God, till we’re blessed.