Easily Offended?

And know, that these hurts
In your heart, cause resentment
So, ensure you forgive
Claim His forgiveness, be repentant.
Blind Spots

Denying, defending
Denouncing as true
Each weakness and failure
God points out to you?
Loveless or Loving?

Instead, Jesus commands us
To love, even our foe
So live not, based on feelings
Obey Jesus, and grow.
Been Offended?

So, each offence forgive
Repent, be reconciled
Be freed from those burdens
Pray God’s love, be recognized.
Forgive and Forgo

God has called us to love
With all of our heart
When offenders, then hurt us
To forgive, on our part.

Know our days upon earth
Our stewardship of time
All our talents and treasures
Belong to the Divine.
Learn to Release

Have you learnt to release
Every burden you bear
Let go of each weight
And sin, to God’s care.
Facing Rejection

So, be bound not, by feelings
Trust God all the way
To forgive, when rejected
Jesus forgives you, each day.