Dealing with Difficult People
Learn from Jesus, He set boundaries
Offered help, if ears were open
From the Pharisees, to His disciples
With all, that He had spoken.
Israel and her Foes
And yet our hope is not in weapons
The arm of flesh, will fail
Pray Israel trust in the LORD
Know her Messiah, wholly prevail.
“Be strong and of good courage”
And Modern Israel again
Of these words, must take heed
Yet likewise, on our journey
We too also, have need.
Why Does God Allow? Psalm 10
Why do You stand
Afar off, O LORD?
Why do You hide
Amidst troubles, outpoured?
Will You Answer God?
O how selfish, and sinful
We keep God’s Word within
Are not praying and sharing
With our world, so full of sin.
Teach us to number our days
We are given each day
For God’s glory, not mine
To obey and to please Him
For His purpose divine.
Churches Teach, but Don’t Disciple
One-on-one, in small groups
Much time, mentoring, Jesus discipled
Equipped and trained, ‘how’ to obey
To reproduce, go make disciples.
Great Faith, God is Able
Fully trusting God’s promises
With obedience to His word
Being steadfastness in prayer
By circumstances, undeterred.
His Earthen Vessels
We’re challenged, on every side
Not crushed, tho’ hard-pressed
But thro’ Jesus, not despairing
Our Great Potter, knows best.
God Permits What He Hates
Stay thankful, midst trials
See the sufferings, we face
When trusting in Jesus
Become blessings, by grace.