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Dealing with Rejection

Before God, none condemns us
Nor separates, from His love
O, hallelujah His salvation
Ever sealed, from above.

Dealing with Feelings

Are you dealing with feelings
The ups and downs?
Our emotions, so powerful
To which we seem bound.


Yet contentment is found
In Christ, our true rest
Satisfied, despite trials
Knowing God, seeks our best.

Carton or Contents?

God gives, each a carton
Our life journey begins
A body without
Soul and spirit within.

Call on the LORD

Yes, obeying God’s Word
Requesting He come
And answer your cries
Through Jesus, God’s Son.

Burdened for Freedom

Set free from all bondage
From rituals, religion
Customs, convention
Worldliness, and tradition.

Blessed are the Meek

We’re so fortunate, happy
So supremely blessed
If meek in spirit
All God’s dealings, accept.

Believer or Deceiver?

Jesus taught, not all saying
“Lord, Lord”, enter heaven
Just those doing the will
Of His Father in heaven.

Be Strong

Be strong in the LORD
Resolve to do right
Ever fearing our God
Daily walk in His light.