Filled with God’s Fullness
So filled with God’s Spirit
No room left for me
For I died with Christ
Hallelujah, set free.
Fill My Cup
For this vessel is thirsty
I come open, and empty
O Lord, come and fill
From Your rivers of plenty.
Feelings Fade
So, if caught in a valley
Set your mind on Him
Stay faithful, and follow
Ask He fill you within.
Feel Desperate?
Feel desperate within
Transform me, O Lord
Am needing great change
May grace be outpoured.
For nothing we lack
No more, can He do
Endless caring and sharing
His Spirit in me, and you.
Facing the Furnace
As Daniel, and friends
Faced a fierce, fiery furnace
Said “Our God, can deliver
And if not, we still serve Him”.
Facing Temptation
The world, thro’ its culture
The flesh, and our feelings
The devil’s deceptions
Temptations, so appealing.
Facing Sickness
Facing sickness
Thoughts of death
Feel helpless, Lord
You are my breath.
Facing Rejection
So, be bound not, by feelings
Trust God all the way
To forgive, when rejected
Jesus forgives you, each day.
Enduring Life’s Hardships
Yet despite persecution
Face hardship and suffering
May Jesus, be exalted
Be His sacrifice , a holy offering.