Lay All on the Altar
Offer all, at His altar
Our bodies, He purchased
As living sacrifices, holy
Well pleasing… our service.
Keep Your Heart
Thus guard your heart
Take steps to ensure
‘Tis not overtaken
By those things, impure.
Impatient with God?
Yes, keep waiting on God
The LORD only, our choice
Persevere and be faithful
‘Til we hear His voice.
Hurts to our Heart
Know hurts to our heart
Must be forgiven
Our pain, and revenge
We’re in our own ‘prison’.
How to Please God
God is pleased by our faith
As we trust, and obey
So, fear not, stay faithful
Follow His will and way.
Hope for the Heart
To bring hope, facing trials
Temptations and testing
God’s Spirit in us
Protecting, perfecting.
Hardness of Heart
May our wants and our will
Be in line, with the Lord
Lest our hearts become hard
And resentments, are stored.
Grasping God’s Love
Have you grasped, how wide
Just how deep and long
And so high, is God’s love
Now in Christ, we belong.
Gone Fishing….or Missing?
But sadly, so often
We too, failed to obey
For instead of us fishing
We’re distracted, and stray.
Get Rid of the Junk
Get rid of the junk
In your mind and heart
Wrong thoughts and motives
That mar, tear apart.