Perspective and Attitude
Then, instead of the darkness
We rather, shine bright
In place of the evil
Share His truth and light.
Persecution, brings Blessings!
His bloodshed, our new birth
By God’s Spirit, divine
From death, now resurrection
LORD, all the glory is Thine!
Persecution is Coming
So be ready, prepare
For our freedom is fading
Our faith is attacked
Great wickedness, invading.
Passing Through the Waters
God assures we shall pass
Yes, thru’ deep waters go
But He will be with us
They shall not overflow.
Parable of the Sower
Only those in good soil
Their hearts, noble and good
Obey, bear much fruit
With patience, withstood.
Overcoming Temptation
And so, love not the world
Nor selfishness, greed
Seek God’s glory alone
Let His Spirit, always lead.
Overcoming Adversity
Have you learnt to give thanks
Though adversities grow
Can you trust, the Lord God
When no answers show?
Our Rebellion- God’s Warning
If you are willing, obedient
The good you shall eat
But if you refuse and rebel
…. be devoured, by defeat.
Our Motives
Our motives so matter
To take, or to give
Self-serving, or God’s glory
For what do we live?
Our Gifts & Talents
Thro’ His Spirit, God gives
In His people, are sown
Differing talents and gifts
That His glory, be known.