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Get Rid of the Junk

Get rid of the junk
In your mind and heart
Wrong thoughts and motives
That mar, tear apart.

Feelings Fade

So, if caught in a valley
Set your mind on Him
Stay faithful, and follow
Ask He fill you within.

Facing Rejection

So, be bound not, by feelings
Trust God all the way
To forgive, when rejected
Jesus forgives you, each day.

Ears to Hear

God speaks to the seeker
Those turning to Him
Those empty, for filling
Pours His Spirit, within.

Duped by Distractions?

Are you caught up with ‘life’
Desires of the flesh
Deceived by the devil
Let this world enmesh?


In exchange for your sin
He will give you, His Spirit
Be discontented, no longer
Yield your life, He will fill it.


Feeling your failing
Seems God, is not answering
Frustrated by failure
Confusion and cancelling.


Yet contentment is found
In Christ, our true rest
Satisfied, despite trials
Knowing God, seeks our best.

Carton or Contents?

God gives, each a carton
Our life journey begins
A body without
Soul and spirit within.

Call on the LORD

Yes, obeying God’s Word
Requesting He come
And answer your cries
Through Jesus, God’s Son.