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Overcoming Temptation

And so, love not the world
Nor selfishness, greed
Seek God’s glory alone
Let His Spirit, always lead.

Learn to Release

Have you learnt to release
Every burden you bear
Let go of each weight
And sin, to God’s care.

Keep Your Heart

Thus guard your heart
Take steps to ensure
‘Tis not overtaken
By those things, impure.

Hurts to our Heart

Know hurts to our heart
Must be forgiven
Our pain, and revenge
We’re in our own ‘prison’.

Get Rid of the Junk

Get rid of the junk
In your mind and heart
Wrong thoughts and motives
That mar, tear apart.

Does Joy Fill Your Soul?

Have you stopped, given thought
Does joy fill your soul
Have you gladness of heart?
For in Him, you are whole.

Do Learn to Forgive

Do learn to forgive
So you can forsake
Lest you carry hurts
Resentments, heartache.


In exchange for your sin
He will give you, His Spirit
Be discontented, no longer
Yield your life, He will fill it.


Yet contentment is found
In Christ, our true rest
Satisfied, despite trials
Knowing God, seeks our best.