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Psalm 119: 73-80 Yud-י

Let my heart be blameless
Regarding Your statutes
That I may not be ashamed
Live a life with sound roots.

Answer for a Broken Heart

While our Heavenly Father
Knows our struggles and frame
Bids us turn unto Jesus
Humbly call on His Name.

Your Soil

So, examine your soil
Give your heart, wholly to Him
Ask God, to point out
What may hinder within.

Parable of the Sower

Only those in good soil
Their hearts, noble and good
Obey, bear much fruit
With patience, withstood.

Hardness of Heart

May our wants and our will
Be in line, with the Lord
Lest our hearts become hard
And resentments, are stored.

Ears to Hear

God speaks to the seeker
Those turning to Him
Those empty, for filling
Pours His Spirit, within.


Feeling your failing
Seems God, is not answering
Frustrated by failure
Confusion and cancelling.


Yet contentment is found
In Christ, our true rest
Satisfied, despite trials
Knowing God, seeks our best.

Blessed are the Meek

We’re so fortunate, happy
So supremely blessed
If meek in spirit
All God’s dealings, accept.