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Escape Temptations

For when tempted, God provides
A way out, an escape
That we’re able, to endure
So let us learn, avoid mistakes.


Once we’re strong in the Lord
And the power of His might
In the armor of God
Each temptation takes flight.


But in place of God’s lordship
Satan swiftly deceived
Appealed to their senses
Denied truths, God revealed.

Forbidden Fruit

Stay far from temptations
Not seeking our pleasure
Instead, cleaving closer
To Christ, our true treasure.

God Promises Us Victory

Overwhelmed, on our own
We feel helpless, and lost
So set our mind, believe God’s Word
There is victory, through the cross.

Resist, When Tempted

Keep God’s Word, in our heart
Cry out to God, and resist
Resolve, I will obey
The Holy Spirit, will assist.


And while God offers good
Temptation brings evil
Understanding our choice
Be His righteous people.

Pray for Somalia

Yes LORD, open doors
Despite such oppression
Midst violence and fear
Make Somalia, Your possession.

Pray for North Koreans

LORD, open their eyes
Set North Koreans free
From darkness to light May their multitudes see.