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So, Listen!

So, listen with faith
Trusting God cannot fail
For in wisdom and love
He will always prevail.

Weeping and Gnashing

Tho’ many called, few are chosen
The self-righteous, are cast out
Into outer darkness
All the unclean, not allowed.

Don’t Rebel Against God

So we’re self-willed, self-reliant
Self-righteous, we blindly stray
Are defiant, independent
We want the last say.

Answer for a Broken Heart

While our Heavenly Father
Knows our struggles and frame
Bids us turn unto Jesus
Humbly call on His Name.

A Tale of Two Brothers

So younger or older
Both need to repent
Whether passion or pride
Instead, live as Father meant.

Wholly Organic?

Let God’s Word, be your food
Like Jeremiah, of old
Bringing joy, and rejoicing
As your heart, overflows.

Rebelling or Reaping?

So, we likewise must repent
Of rebelling, and sleeping
We should rather, seek God
Not self-serving, but reaping.