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Be a Woman of Valor

Speak out for righteousness
Declare God’s Truth
Be a woman of valor
Be engaged, not aloof.

Seek Life

As a soul, with a body
Ignore not your spirit
Jesus offers new life
Will you ask Him, come fill it?

Hope for the Heart

To bring hope, facing trials
Temptations and testing
God’s Spirit in us
Protecting, perfecting.


Feeling your failing
Seems God, is not answering
Frustrated by failure
Confusion and cancelling.


Yet contentment is found
In Christ, our true rest
Satisfied, despite trials
Knowing God, seeks our best.

Be Strong

Be strong in the LORD
Resolve to do right
Ever fearing our God
Daily walk in His light.

Be of Good Cheer

Ever faithful and loving
Forsakes not His own
Overcoming this world
With heaven our home.