Feel Desperate?
Feel desperate within
Transform me, O Lord
Am needing great change
May grace be outpoured.
Facing the Furnace
As Daniel, and friends
Faced a fierce, fiery furnace
Said “Our God, can deliver
And if not, we still serve Him”.
Facing Rejection
So, be bound not, by feelings
Trust God all the way
To forgive, when rejected
Jesus forgives you, each day.
Yes, be an encourager
With a Barnabus heart
All are called to encourage
Not criticize, tear apart.
Earthen Vessels
So dear saint, do not focus
On outer flaws, your external
Know God searches hearts
‘Tis our soul, that’s eternal.
Ears to Hear
God speaks to the seeker
Those turning to Him
Those empty, for filling
Pours His Spirit, within.
Duped by Distractions?
Are you caught up with ‘life’
Desires of the flesh
Deceived by the devil
Let this world enmesh?
Do Learn to Forgive
Do learn to forgive
So you can forsake
Lest you carry hurts
Resentments, heartache.
In exchange for your sin
He will give you, His Spirit
Be discontented, no longer
Yield your life, He will fill it.
Dealing with Rejection
Before God, none condemns us
Nor separates, from His love
O, hallelujah His salvation
Ever sealed, from above.