Been Offended?
So, each offence forgive
Repent, be reconciled
Be freed from those burdens
Pray God’s love, be recognized.
Boldness and Courage
Recall, God has commanded
We be strong, of good courage
Are not afraid, nor dismayed
Nor are we discouraged.
Answer for a Broken Heart
While our Heavenly Father
Knows our struggles and frame
Bids us turn unto Jesus
Humbly call on His Name.
A Tale of Two Brothers
So younger or older
Both need to repent
Whether passion or pride
Instead, live as Father meant.
Forgive and Forgo
God has called us to love
With all of our heart
When offenders, then hurt us
To forgive, on our part.
Wholly Organic?
Let God’s Word, be your food
Like Jeremiah, of old
Bringing joy, and rejoicing
As your heart, overflows.
Want to be Free?
Hallelujah, set free
Midst trials and testing
In victory, now walk
Yes! in Jesus keep resting.
Waiting for Apologies?
“If you won’t forgive
God won’t forgive you”.
Strong words from the Master
Yet certain and true.
Still Grasping Grievances, or Set Free?
So, we lift every hurt
Release all, to Him
Now laid upon Christ
Walk in grace, not sin.
Purpose in Pain
Does God have a purpose
In suffering and pain
Sorrow and sickness
Can He turn to gain?