Saying or Obeying?
And here, Jesus reminds
It’s not what we say
Our words can be empty
It is whether, we obey.
Pouting or Praising?
Are we pouting, or praising
Is our attitude, right?
Are we thankless or thankful
When we’re out of sight?
Man is driven by sin
So focused, enticed
Instead, see God’s perspective
Stay centered, on Christ.
Perspective and Attitude
Then, instead of the darkness
We rather, shine bright
In place of the evil
Share His truth and light.
Our Motives
Our motives so matter
To take, or to give
Self-serving, or God’s glory
For what do we live?
Learn to Release
Have you learnt to release
Every burden you bear
Let go of each weight
And sin, to God’s care.
Hope for the Heart
To bring hope, facing trials
Temptations and testing
God’s Spirit in us
Protecting, perfecting.
Hardness of Heart
May our wants and our will
Be in line, with the Lord
Lest our hearts become hard
And resentments, are stored.
Feelings Fade
So, if caught in a valley
Set your mind on Him
Stay faithful, and follow
Ask He fill you within.
Feel Desperate?
Feel desperate within
Transform me, O Lord
Am needing great change
May grace be outpoured.