Believing Lies
The deception of Satan
Is no different today
He appeals to our thoughts
To our desires, lead us astray.
‘Broigas’-(Angry, resentful,grievances)
Now I’m freed, from being ‘Broigas’
Am reconciled, fully forgiven
And those ‘Broigas,’ toward me
I share forgiveness, God has given.
All, are Born Disabled
Our bodies aren’t perfect
Nor is our soul
For sin has disabled
No one is born whole.
A Tale of Two Brothers
So younger or older
Both need to repent
Whether passion or pride
Instead, live as Father meant.
Thy Will Be Done
So, surrender my rights
This day is not mine
Knowing all is from God
Not my will, but Thine.
The Secret Place
We must seek God, alone
In the quietness, and pray
Ask God, to guide us
To draw near, every day.
Know our days upon earth
Our stewardship of time
All our talents and treasures
Belong to the Divine.
That He May Increase
May the LORD increase
In my life, day by day
And may I decrease
I earnestly pray.
Rebelling or Reaping?
So, we likewise must repent
Of rebelling, and sleeping
We should rather, seek God
Not self-serving, but reaping.
Still Grasping Grievances, or Set Free?
So, we lift every hurt
Release all, to Him
Now laid upon Christ
Walk in grace, not sin.