The Secret Place
We must seek God, alone
In the quietness, and pray
Ask God, to guide us
To draw near, every day.
Take Your Eyes Off the Problem!
For the God who solved sin
Thro’ sending His Son
Can certainly solve
His children’s problems.
Rebelling or Reaping?
So, we likewise must repent
Of rebelling, and sleeping
We should rather, seek God
Not self-serving, but reaping.
Pouting or Praising?
Are we pouting, or praising
Is our attitude, right?
Are we thankless or thankful
When we’re out of sight?
Man is driven by sin
So focused, enticed
Instead, see God’s perspective
Stay centered, on Christ.
Perspective and Attitude
Then, instead of the darkness
We rather, shine bright
In place of the evil
Share His truth and light.
Our Motives
Our motives so matter
To take, or to give
Self-serving, or God’s glory
For what do we live?
Learning to Wrestle
And who doesn’t strive
To achieve in our flesh
Instead, learn to wrestle
With God, till we’re blessed.
Learn to Release
Have you learnt to release
Every burden you bear
Let go of each weight
And sin, to God’s care.
Keep Your Heart
Thus guard your heart
Take steps to ensure
‘Tis not overtaken
By those things, impure.