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Seminaries or Cemeteries?

So, in place of ‘higher learning’
Seminaries, Bible schools
We should focus, on Jesus’ command
On ‘Disciple-making,’ we can’t improve.

Pew Sitting, or Disciple Making?

So pray God, stir our churches
Seminaries, bible schools
Learn the ‘how-to’, of disciple-making
Outside the classroom… spread Good News.

Until They All Hear

Sow seed to multiply
Do lead, among seekers
Good soil, bearing fruit
Disciple-makers, not just Believers.

Teaching to Know, or to Obey?

Far too often, we gather
More head knowledge, attained
But little ‘how-to’, or mentoring
So our lives, are not changed.

Pray for the Nations

Let us pray for the nations
Yes, pray day and night
And give God no rest
Till He send them light.

Our Calling by God

So, do learn from Isaiah
Allow God make you pure
Are then ready, for God’s sending
See His Spirit, out-poured.

Lest the Harvest is Past

May Your people repent
Not caught up with ‘self’
That the poor and the lost
Find Christ, their true wealth.

Greater Than Israel

Now, all the Gentiles and Jews
God invites to His table
Through Christ Jesus, atonement
His precious blood, does enable.