Investing our Life
For we are called, to follow Jesus
His Great Commission, go multiply
Learn to witness, make more disciples
Jesus is with us, He will supply.
Awake Us, O LORD
Shake us and wake us
Revive us, O Lord
Send down the fires
May Your Spirit, be poured.
The Manifesto for the Unreached
Our declaration – we will shout
From every pinnacle, pay any price
The only hope, for this dying world
Is a relationship, with Jesus Christ.
Be God’s Gardener
We’re to sow and to reap
God’s harvest of souls
Disciple-making movements
Multiplication, God’s goal.
Study ‘Disciple Making Movements’
So, ‘Disciple Making Movements’ study
Learn of their tools, and techniques
How they obeyed, Jesus’ vision
Were faithful, and how they reap.
Jesus’ Mission for All
Yet in many, local churches
Few are discipled, equipped
‘How to’ witness, make disciples
This instead, largely skipped.
Bible Teaching is not Disciple-Making
So, in place of passive people
Equip the saints to labor
Disciple making, multiplying
Obey, bring glory to the Savior.
Completing the Reformation
Luther’s reformation fell short
Some key teaching, forsaking
Overlooked Jesus’ Commission
Equipping saints, for disciple-making.
Teaching the Multitude, Training the Few
Not more passive pew-sitters
But Jesus vision, and power
Make multiplying, disciple-makers
‘Tis the need of our hour.
‘Church’- Equip the Saints or ‘Seeker Friendly’?
So may church leaders, obey
Begin equipping the saints
For the work of the ministry
‘Fishers of men,’ to create.