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An Awakening, A Revival

An Awakening, a Revival
Doesn’t happen by chance
God is seeking a tinder
A praying warrior, to advance.

The Manifesto for the Unreached

Our declaration – we will shout
From every pinnacle, pay any price
The only hope, for this dying world
Is a relationship, with Jesus Christ.

Be a Woman of Valor

Speak out for righteousness
Declare God’s Truth
Be a woman of valor
Be engaged, not aloof.

Be His Faithful Witness

May our praying be persistent
And thro’ our going, and giving
Make disciples and teach them
Obey God’s Word, in daily living.

Thoughts, or Prayers?

So, be a faithful prayer warrior
Let us ask, seek and knock
Persevere daily in prayer
To see others unlocked.

Sterile Churches

Yet, how many pastors
Or leaders go out
Daily witness, make disciples
Spread the gospel about?

Pray God Liberates Libya

We pray, a great harvest
Throughout Libya, it’s people
Muslims embracing Christ
Turned from darkness and evil.

Pray for Yemen

Make streams in the desert
Turn the hearts of these people
To seek for you LORD
Turn to Jesus, from evil.

Pray for the Nations

Let us pray for the nations
Yes, pray day and night
And give God no rest
Till He send them light.