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An Awakening, A Revival

An Awakening, a Revival
Doesn’t happen by chance
God is seeking a tinder
A praying warrior, to advance.

The Manifesto for the Unreached

Our declaration – we will shout
From every pinnacle, pay any price
The only hope, for this dying world
Is a relationship, with Jesus Christ.

The Faithful Worker

So be steadfast, immovable
Always abound, and remain
In the work of the LORD
Know your labor’s, not in vain.

Send Showers of Blessing

We are desperate for blessings
Need anointing, outpouring
With multitudes dead in sin
LORD revive, start restoring!


And our lives, like the vessel
May so easily seem lost
Know Jesus, can save us
With His life, paid the cost.

Pray God Liberates Libya

We pray, a great harvest
Throughout Libya, it’s people
Muslims embracing Christ
Turned from darkness and evil.

Pray for Laborers

So, pray not for just souls
But for what Jesus said
Rather, pray for laborers
For His harvest, instead.