Until They All Hear
Sow seed to multiply
Do lead, among seekers
Good soil, bearing fruit
Disciple-makers, not just Believers.
The Faithful Worker
So be steadfast, immovable
Always abound, and remain
In the work of the LORD
Know your labor’s, not in vain.
Teaching to Know, or to Obey?
Far too often, we gather
More head knowledge, attained
But little ‘how-to’, or mentoring
So our lives, are not changed.
Stay Faithful
Not to let God’s Word
Depart from their heart
But, teach to their offspring
Be diligent, to guard.
So Many, So Few
Awaken Your saints
Turn from selfish living
To pray and obey
To go, truly giving.
Set us on Fire
To be fuel, for Your fire
May this light, burn bright
As a beacon of hope
So lost souls, find sight.
Revivals or Make Disciples?
Our cultures evolving like atheism of old with no place for God, just old lies, retold.
Pray God Liberates Libya
We pray, a great harvest
Throughout Libya, it’s people
Muslims embracing Christ
Turned from darkness and evil.
Pray for Yemen
Make streams in the desert
Turn the hearts of these people
To seek for you LORD
Turn to Jesus, from evil.
Pray for the Persecuted Afghani’s
Yes LORD, midst oppression
May Your people shine bright
That multitudes of Afghani’s
Turn from darkness, to light.