Be a Blessing to Others
For we are called, to follow Jesus
His Great Commission, go multiply
Learn to witness, make more disciples
Jesus is with us, He will supply.
Church Leaders in Disciple-Making?
So let us focus, on Jesus’ mission
Train in outreach, disciple-making
Equip the saints, reach the world
Role modeling, and mentoring!
Investing our Life
For we are called, to follow Jesus
His Great Commission, go multiply
Learn to witness, make more disciples
Jesus is with us, He will supply.
The Mission Driven Church
With those gifted, to equip saints
For the work of the ministry
Edifying, the body of Christ,
To go multiply, in each vicinity.
Our Vision
We need vision to see
Our prime purpose in life
Fulfilling god’s calling
In this world of strife.
Our Spiritual Vision
So let us learn, to reproduce
In the lives, of friends and neighbors
By evangelizing, then discipling
Multiplying disciple makers.
The Role of a Pastor
His primary goal, our salvation
Our atonement, kept His Word
Yet first trained, His disciples
To spread His Gospel, to the world.
Our Labor-Never in Vain
Yes, keep praying and asking
For God’s kingdom to come
Despite men’s hardened hearts
Know His will, shall be done!
Has the Church Lost Its Way?
Has the church, lost its way
Is it biblically sound?
Are we teaching to obey
So, disciple-makers are found?
Not an Option
With three billion, unaware
Of Jesus’ Name, to our shame
Let us pray, give and go
’tis our duty, and aim.