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Be Creative

Yes, we each are creative
Thro’ our creation, proclaim.
God’s glory and honor
And do all in His Name.

Be One Little Light

So, let our little light
Shine forth, for God’s truth
Be His beacon, His lighthouse
Amidst darkness, untruth.

Be His Lighthouse

In the midst of the night
When darkness, seems greatest
Know light, shines the brightest
So be strongest and bravest.

Teaching to Know, or to Obey?

Far too often, we gather
More head knowledge, attained
But little ‘how-to’, or mentoring
So our lives, are not changed.


Are you praying and seeking
That God opens doors
To make contact, connect
Ask His Spirit, outpour?

Greater Than Israel

Now, all the Gentiles and Jews
God invites to His table
Through Christ Jesus, atonement
His precious blood, does enable.