Pray for the Nations
Let us pray for the nations
Yes, pray day and night
And give God no rest
Till He send them light.
Pray for Somalia
Yes LORD, open doors
Despite such oppression
Midst violence and fear
Make Somalia, Your possession.
Pray for North Koreans
LORD, open their eyes
Set North Koreans free
From darkness to light May their multitudes see.
Are you praying and seeking
That God opens doors
To make contact, connect
Ask His Spirit, outpour?
Our Mission
While Christians worldwide
Too often, stay in church pews
Despite Jesus’ Great Commission
Those who go, are so few.
North Korean Believers
Yes, pray for God’s people
To share Christ with others
Their children and friends
For wisdom, undercover.
Live or Die
For to live, or to die
In Christ, always gain
No matter the price
No matter the pain.
Lest the Harvest is Past
May Your people repent
Not caught up with ‘self’
That the poor and the lost
Find Christ, their true wealth.
Here Am I…Send Someone Else!
Still today, we find excuses
Why we shouldn’t go
What if Jesus, faced the Cross
Then found reasons, to say “No’!
“Here Am I”
So, instead of my program
My purpose and plans
Present yourself wholly
For all God commands.