Adding or Multiplying?
Sadly, leaders look to adding
Are not mentoring, disciple-making
With a vision, to reproduce
‘Fishers of men’…in the making.
A Church Leader’s Vision
For despite, our church meetings
Jesus’ vision, is not progressing
Not faithful pew-sitters
But disciple-makers, spreading.
A Fellowship on Fire
Most depend on their pastor
For their ‘weekly bread’
The band, and kid’s programs
And they’re feeling fed.
Until They All Hear
Sow seed to multiply
Do lead, among seekers
Good soil, bearing fruit
Disciple-makers, not just Believers.
The Faithful Worker
So be steadfast, immovable
Always abound, and remain
In the work of the LORD
Know your labor’s, not in vain.
Teaching to Know, or to Obey?
Far too often, we gather
More head knowledge, attained
But little ‘how-to’, or mentoring
So our lives, are not changed.
Sterile Churches
Yet, how many pastors
Or leaders go out
Daily witness, make disciples
Spread the gospel about?
Stay Faithful
Not to let God’s Word
Depart from their heart
But, teach to their offspring
Be diligent, to guard.
Soil Inspection
Jesus’ Word, is like seed
In four soils, can be found
Some wayside, some stony
Amidst thorns, or good ground.
So Many, So Few
Awaken Your saints
Turn from selfish living
To pray and obey
To go, truly giving.