Pray for Laborers
So, pray not for just souls
But for what Jesus said
Rather, pray for laborers
For His harvest, instead.
Are you praying and seeking
That God opens doors
To make contact, connect
Ask His Spirit, outpour?
Our Mission
While Christians worldwide
Too often, stay in church pews
Despite Jesus’ Great Commission
Those who go, are so few.
Our Calling by God
So, do learn from Isaiah
Allow God make you pure
Are then ready, for God’s sending
See His Spirit, out-poured.
Live or Die
For to live, or to die
In Christ, always gain
No matter the price
No matter the pain.
Lest the Harvest is Past
May Your people repent
Not caught up with ‘self’
That the poor and the lost
Find Christ, their true wealth.
Greater Than Israel
Now, all the Gentiles and Jews
God invites to His table
Through Christ Jesus, atonement
His precious blood, does enable.