Worship the LORD
Our purpose in life
Our calling, our goal
To worship the LORD
With heart, mind and soul.
Not a brief ‘Worship Service’
Once a week, set aside
But an attitude, of worship
Through each day, to abide
The Secret Place
We must seek God, alone
In the quietness, and pray
Ask God, to guide us
To draw near, every day.
Suffering-God’s Path to Blessings
In Jesus’ suffering, God’s path
To bless fallen man
In His cross, our daily dying
God has shown us, His plan.
Suffering Saints
‘In Me, you have peace’
Spoke Jesus, God’s Son
‘In the world, tribulation
Be courageous… I’ve overcome’.
When confronted by suffering
With reasons unclear
Will we choose to grow better
Or grow bitter, with fears.
Seek But the Lord
Seek but the Lord
Not for what He can do
But simply enjoy Him
Alone, He and you.
Purpose in Pain
Does God have a purpose
In suffering and pain
Sorrow and sickness
Can He turn to gain?
Purified by Fire
As His sacrifice, living
Must be holy, and pure
For we dare not present
If defiled, and impure.
Our Father
So be not downcast
Our heavenly Father above
Ever faithfully outpours
His unchanging love.